Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom model with Active Learning Approach to learning behavior, Learning Achievement and Satisfaction of Higher Education Students


  • Saranya Chularee
  • phantipa amornrit


Learning model, Flipped classroom, Active Learning, Nursing students


This pre-experimental research, one group pretest-posttest design, aims to 1) study the learning behavior of learner by using a flipped classroom model with active learning approach (FCM-ALA), 2) study of student’s satisfaction and 3) compare pretest and posttest of learning achievement. The sample of the study were 73 nursing students who enrolled in 701102 Health and Nursing Informatics course, Institute of Nursing at Suranaree University of Technology of the third semester, academic year 2016, selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments were 1) a flipped classroom model with active learning approach 2) an observational form of learners’ participation 3) a satisfaction assessment form for students and 4) an achievement test. The data were analyzed by using dependent sample t-test, mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The results were as follows: 1) the learning behaviors of learners were enthusiastic and engaged in meaningful learning., 2) the level of learners’ satisfaction was at a high level ( x = 4.05, SD = 0.58) and 3) the posttest of the learning achievement of FCM-ALA was higher than before using this model at the significant level of .05. The effect of FCM-ALA improves cognitive skills and promotes life skills such as planning to allocate more time and responsibility to themself.


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How to Cite

Chularee, S., & amornrit, phantipa. (2021). Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom model with Active Learning Approach to learning behavior, Learning Achievement and Satisfaction of Higher Education Students. ECT Education and Communication Technology Journal, 16(21), 34–47. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ectstou/article/view/248280