The development of the Siam Fish Web Application for E-Market Center and Exchanging Knowledge on International Ornamental Fish


  • Pimprapa Phanphai -
  • Wachira Brahmawong
  • Suebwong Chuensombat
  • Sirikanya Maneenil


Web application, Electronic Markets, Exchange Knowledge, ornamental fish, Plaform


The Siam Fish platfrom to become a hub for electronic markets and exchange knowledge about ornamental fish. The objectives of this study was to develop a Web-based application for The Siam Fish platform.

            The research process has the following steps: Step 1 Review of Documents, Textbooks, and Related Research on TheSiamFish Web Application; Step 2 Draft the conceptual framework of The Siam Fish web application; Step 3 organizes expert opinions on the draft conceptual framework, use purposive sampling totaling 23 people tools used are the interview form and the brainstorming form; Step 4 Create a draft of The Siam Fish web application to experts for evaluation. There were 10 experts by purposive selection method. The tool used was a structured interview to assess the quality. And the interview analysis was used to analyze the content; and step 5 To use the quality assessment results of The Siam Fish web application to improve according to the quality assessment.

            According to the study's findings, The Siam Fish platfrom that was developed includes systems for subscriptions and building stores, product sales, trading goods between stores and customers, product systems and reviews, product auction systems, conversation and notification systems, and knowledge management systems and online knowledge exchange. Platform evaluation results show high quality. It's finished and finished in the platform system.


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How to Cite

Phanphai, P., Brahmawong, W., Chuensombat, S., & Maneenil, S. (2023). The development of the Siam Fish Web Application for E-Market Center and Exchanging Knowledge on International Ornamental Fish. ECT Education and Communication Technology Journal, 18(24), 86–103. Retrieved from