The Development of Electronic Online Lessons on the Topic of Research Report Writing for Graduate Students at Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University


  • Varangkana Topothai -


Electronic Online Lessons, The Writing for Research Report, Graduate Studies


 The purposes of this research were to (1)  development  anelectronic online lessons on the topic of the writing for research reportfor graduatestudents, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University an efficiency standard (2)  study the learning progress of students who learned from the electronic online lessons on the topic of the writing for research report; and (3)  study the opinions of students who learned from the electronic online lessons on the topic of the writing for research report.The reseach sample comprised graduate students, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University 39 students, obtained by simple random sampling. The employed research instruments comprised (1) an electronic online lessons on the topic of the writing for research report; (2) two parallel forms of an achievement test for pre-testing and post-testing; and  (3) a questionnaire on student’s opinions toward the electronic online lessons on the topic of the writing for research report. Statistics for data analysis were the E1/E2efficiency index, mean, standard deviation, and t-test. Research findings showed that (1) the developed electronic online lessons on the topic of the writing for research report was efficient at 81.78/80.67, thus meeting the set efficiency criterion of 80/80; (2) the students who learned from the electronic online lessons on the topic of the writing for research report achieved learning progress significantly at the .05 level; and (3) the students had opinions that the electronic online lessons on the topic of the writing for research report was appropriate at the highest level


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How to Cite

Topothai, V. (2023). The Development of Electronic Online Lessons on the Topic of Research Report Writing for Graduate Students at Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University. ECT Education and Communication Technology Journal, 18(25), 1–15. Retrieved from