Generation Z’s Perception of Servicescape, Their Satisfaction And Their Retail Shopping Behavioral Outcomes
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Generation Z are the first group of people born in the digital world. They are highly educated, technologically savvy, and innovative. These people have become a large target group for brands, as they tend to dominate the market. Nevertheless, Generation Z are said to be less loyal to retailers, and retailers find it difficult to hold their attention. This study aims to investigate whether retailers’ servicescape could have a significant impact on Generation Z’s retail shopping behavioral outcomes. Servicescape dimensions consisting of substantive staging and communicative staging are the independent variables, while consumer repurchase intention and perceived quality of life are the dependent variables. Consumer satisfaction was hypothesized to mediate the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. The research results were statistically analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling. The analysis revealed that Generation Z’s retail shopping behaviors were significantly influenced by servicescape. The findings have considerably contributed to marketing practices in the digital world in that physical servicescape apart from online world is still of importance.
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