Psychosocial Factors and Elementary Students’ Creative Thinking in Thailand
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This quantitative research was conducted to investigate the relationships between psychosocial factors [Learning Achievement (LA), Achievement Motivation (AM), Social Support from Family (SSFa), Social Support from Friends (SSFs), Social Support from School (SSS), Supportive Parenting Style (SPS), Reasoning Parenting Style (RPS) and Authoritarian Parenting Style (APS)], and students’ creative thinking. The respondents consisted of 400 students randomly sampled from a population of 1st grade to 6th grade students in 10 municipal schools in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. Data were gathered with the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking and a questionnaire. The study noted that enhanced creative thinking could be achieved through SPS and RPS. On the contrary, APS showed a negative correlation at the 0.01 level of significance. The female mean score was higher than the male mean score. It was also found that SSS and AM could be used to predict and promote creative thinking levels among grade 1-6 students. It is prudent to iterate that, to cultivate creative thinking in students in grade 1 – 6 (especially for Thai kids), parents are encouraged to use SPS and RPS. Schools should educate parents on SPS and RPS, and engage students in activities that will make them think creatively.
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