Pre-service Teachers’ Perception towards the Implementation of the SECI Model for Reflective Knowledge Management
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This paper aims to examine the use of the SECI Model developed based on Nonaka’s theory to promote interactions between the tacit and explicit knowledge for the creation of new knowledge. The study purposively selected 60 fourth-year students, or pre-service teachers (PSTs), who were enrolled in the course, “Developing and Evaluating English Teaching Innovation”. To examine the use of the SECI Model, the researcher implemented the SECI Model over six steps, which are shared vision, free-writing, editing, sharing, talking to the expert and producing instructional innovation. The study employed both quantitative and qualitative research approaches, including survey, observation, and semi-structured interview to ascertain PSTs’ thoughts about the use of the SECI model. The results were positive as the PSTs could see the potential of enhancing idea generation processes related to language education.
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