Pre-service Science Teachers’ Understanding of the Nature of Science: An Examination and Implications for Further Development
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This study aimed to examine the understanding held by pre-service teachers of science concerning the nature of science (NOS), and subsequently improve any misconceptions that were found through follow-up workshops. Ninety-four participants were purposively selected and completed open-ended questionnaire to assess their understanding of the NOS. The instrument consisted of seven aspects of NOS. The findings were then classified into three categories: informed, intermediate and naïve. Those who fell in the naïve category then participated in follow-up workshops. Prior to the workshop, these participants (10% out of the total) were interviewed for more information about their understanding of NOS as a basis for organizing follow-up workshops. Subsequently, three workshops were conducted and a post-workshop questionnaire was distributed to see if there were changes in their understanding. The findings from this study illustrate how students, in spite of receiving instruction on pedagogical content and approaches, may hold different perspectives about subject content. This study also provides an example of how a teacher preparation program may carry out small-scale research that will benefit both the teacher educator and the pre-service teachers.
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