The Effects of Service Fairness on Customer Recovery Satisfaction and Loyalty towards Internet Services: A Comparative Study between Kenya and South Korea

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Ann Muthoki Kiio
Phanasan Kohsuwan


A comparative study was conducted among consumers in Kenya and South Korea to determine the effects of perceived service fairness on customer recovery satisfaction and subsequent customer loyalty toward Internet services. Multimodal surveys were obtained from each country (N = 401 and 475, respectively). The findings revealed that informational fairness, trust, and commitment had significant influences on recovery satisfaction in South Korea, and customer recovery satisfaction had a significant relationship with customer loyalty in both countries. Significant differences in responses occurred between the two countries, possibly due to customer behaviors and cultures. Management might build up trust to increase the level of customer satisfaction through honesty, open communication, and thoroughly described procedures. Management could sustain customer loyalty by offering responsive solutions to customer complaints. Future research may reveal more factors that influence recovery satisfaction, such as relationship quality and compensation.

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