Thailand University Students’ E-Learning Behavior during the Global Pandemic
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The Covid-19 global pandemic has brought massive disruption to education throughout the planet. This study sought to provide understandings of the relationships between e-learning activity and the independent variables of gender, maturity, study major, region of origin, and class level. Multiple regression and logistic regression were employed to understand the relationship between the dependent variable of e-learning activity with other variables considered in the study. Descriptive statistics showed that Freshmen were more active online than other class levels while Education majors demonstrated the highest online activity. Results of the multiple regression model indicated that Freshmen and Information Technology majors were statistically much more active online when compared with enrollees in other majors or with those who came from other class levels. The logistic model found that students who were not freshman or were not Information technology majors were significantly less likely to be active e-learning users.
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