The Effectiveness of Hyponymy Games to Enhance English Vocabulary Acquisition

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Caroline V. Katemba
Yohanan D. Karoline


Previous studies have shown that language games enhance language learning as well as vocabulary. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of hyponymy game usage to enhance vocabulary acquisition among students in Grade VIII at an Indonesian junior high school.  Answers were sought to a number of questions: (a) Are there any significant differences in students’ vocabulary achievement between experimental and control groups? (b) Are there any differences in vocabulary achievement scores between male and female students in the experimental group and those who are in the control group? (c) Contrasting females with males, which group achieved a higher score?; and (d) What were students’ attitudes toward the implementation of hyponymy games; do they have a positive or negative impact? An experimental research design was adopted involving two intact random sampling groups with 70 students. The results showed there was a significant difference between students who were taught using hyponymy games and those who were not taught using them. No differences were found between males and females in the experimental group, but a significant difference was seen in the control group. Overall, hyponymy games improved the students’ ability to learn English vocabulary.

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