Workplace Fun in Chinese Hospitals: Scale Development and Validation

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Jie Jing
Eksiri Niyomsilp


Data indicate that workplace fun can promote organizational behavior among employees. Due to the lack of specific measurement tools, this suggestion has not been further studied in hospital working environments. In order to rectify this, a questionnaire was constructed and assessed for its usefulness through using qualitative and quantitative analytical approaches. Questionnaire survey data (N = 514; 183 face-to-face, and 331 online) were collected from the medical staff and hospital administrators of two Chinese public hospitals and analyzed using exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The exploratory factor analysis favored a solution using three-dimensions, including 14 items to measure workplace fun, and the results of confirmatory factor analysis showed the appropriateness of the scale. The scale also returned good reliability measurements. This is the first reliable and valid scale to measure workplace fun in Chinese hospitals. In the future, the scale can be used to explore the impact of pleasure in the hospital workplace on the attitude, behavior, and performance of hospital employees.

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