Local Response and Coping Mechanisms Adopted to Disruptions Associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic at a Filipino State University
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The various social and mobility restrictions imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented disruptions in working adults' day-to-day lives at Visayas State University in Leyte Island, Philippines. Everyone had to adjust abruptly to help contain the spread of the virus. In this paper, one of the local responses through an agricultural production program at the University is highlighted, and reflections on its employees’ coping mechanisms are recorded in response to the pandemic. The initiative taken was to intensify vegetable production for local consumption to mitigate the looming disruption in the supply of vegetables to neighboring towns. To date, at least seven tons of assorted vegetables have been distributed to around 5,000 beneficiaries in the province. The results of the cross-sectional survey show that the topmost ranked coping mechanism for both men and women during the lockdown was engaging in household chores. Beyond that, men were more inclined to surf the Internet, while women focused more on gardening. Policymakers and administrators can use these results as a benchmark to develop programs and approaches that may contribute to working adults' well-being during this pandemic.
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