Exploring Factors Influencing In-Service Teachers' Motivation to Teach English in Thailand: An Exploration of Possible Language Teacher Selves
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The motivation of in-service English language teachers in Thailand was examined through the lens of possible language teacher selves. With English as a lingua franca and Thailand's emphasis on English proficiency, understanding teacher motivation is crucial. The qualitative narrative approach was adopted, involving semi-structured interviews with three participants having a minimum of three years of teaching experience. The study addressed the gap in literature regarding English teachers' possible selves and retention. The findings revealed the interplay of intrinsic and altruistic motives, self-concept, and career aspirations. Participants' motivations aligned with their ideal, actual, ought-to, and feared possible selves. Their reasons for teaching were in harmony with their aspirations, current self-perception, perceived obligations, and the desire to avoid negative outcomes. The findings have relevance for tailored professional development, student-centered approaches, recognition of non-native speaker strengths, and strategies to enhance teacher well-being. While limited by sample size and design, this research contributes to understanding teacher motivations and their implications for educational institutions.
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