Effectiveness Assessment of Vital Sport Tourism Marketing Factors in Buriram

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วัชระ เชียงกูล Watchara Chiengkul


The purpose of this research was to study key success factors and assessment the effectiveness levels of vital sport tourism marketing factors. In order to implement guidelines for prioritized approach to sport tourism development in Buriram. A questionnaire was used as data collection equipment. Survey questionnaires were collected from 400 Thai tourists who had travel experience in Buriram. The data were then analyzed with statistical analysis through descriptive statistics.

The results indicated that the main weakness issue of tourism in Buriram that we urgently need to adjust on is product, partnership and public opinion. Beside this investigation, the secondary issue that we should focus on and Buriram’s tourism can make the improvement is price, promotion and packaging.

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How to Cite
Watchara Chiengkul ว. เ. (2018). Effectiveness Assessment of Vital Sport Tourism Marketing Factors in Buriram. Dusit Thani College Journal, 11(special), 124–138. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journaldtc/article/view/136077
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