Live and Eat as Thais: Stay Away from Illness

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สถิตย์พงษ์ มั่นหลำ Satitpong Munlum


Thai food is the cultural heritage that reflects the national history from the past to present.  Thai food has now and then become famous nationally and internationally because of its unique taste and identity.  In addition, ingredients for cooking Thai food contain high nutrition with a variation of spices and herbs which are good for health.  Based on a scientific study, it was found that the ingredient of herbs used in Thai food has antioxidants that protect us from free radical damage and varies in nutritional values.

     The cooking method is another factor that can help enhance the nutritional values in Thai food ingredients.  If the cooking method is not carefully selected, it will result in the loss of nutritional values in the ingredients which will affect a health problem of consumers.  Despite consuming healthy food, a physical exercise is an important factor for a healthy life and can effectively keep one staying away from illness. 

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How to Cite
Satitpong Munlum ส. . ม. (2018). Live and Eat as Thais: Stay Away from Illness. Dusit Thani College Journal, 11(special), 348–358. retrieved from
Academic Article


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