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สกุล จริยาแจ่มสิทธิ์ SAKUL JARIYACHAMSIT
ประสพชัย พสุนนท์ Prasopchai Pasunon


The purposes of this study 1) to study the decision making for tourism style in Thailand by foreigner tourist 2) to study foreigner tourist behavior to make decision to travel in Thailand 3) to study decision making foreigner tourist style in tourism in Thailand. Foreigner tourist is 400 samples to use in this research by employing Taro Yamane formula (Taro Yamane) at a confidence level of 95% at the significant level of 0.05 and analyze the data by frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The statistics used to analyze the frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. For testing hypotheses were analyzed with the Statistical Multiple Regression to test the correlation at the significance level of 0.01

The result showed that the majority of the foreign tourists travel was females, age between 21-30 years old that from Europe, graduated, their annual income was 20,000 baht for first time travel to Thailand and their main reason for traveling and leisure. Most of them come with family and couples and select to stay in hotel or resort.

The hypothesis testing could provide a prediction of tourists’ decision making to visit Thailand at R2= 0.449, with an estimated equation for decision making to visit Thailand of 1.195 (constant) + 0.425 for tourist attractions + 0.217 for information received. Moreover, the factors of transportation, tourist attractions, information, staff and tourist facilities were found to have a correlation with tourists’ decision making to visit Thailand at a level of significance of 0.01.

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How to Cite
SAKUL JARIYACHAMSIT ส. จ., & Prasopchai Pasunon ป. พ. (2018). THE DECISION MAKING FOR TOURISM IN THAILAND BY FOREIGNER TOURISTS. Dusit Thani College Journal, 10(1), 105–114. retrieved from
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