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สุภาพร วิชัยดิษฐ์ฐ์ Supaporn Wichaidit


This study aimed to know the basis information of tourists traveling to Koh Kred, Nonthaburi province, to study the marketing mix that affect to Thai tourists buying behaviour and to study basis information of Thai tourists behaviour  based on these factors 1. Products 2. Price 3. Place 4. Promotion. The population in this study is the Thai tourists who visit  Koh  Kred,  Nonthaburi Province and the sample used in this study is the tourists who visit  Koh  Kred  for 400 people in Stratified Random Sampling and questionnaires were used to collect data. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation

The results showed that:

  1. A total of 400 respondents were classified by gender, most are female, accounting for 62.0 percent of 248 people by age, mostly aged 20-29 years accounted for 43.0 percent of the 172 men and classification. According to the monthly income found that the majority, 124 people, 5,000 – 10,000 THB monthly income, representing 31.0 percentage.

  2. The buying behaviour of Thai tourists at Koh Kred. Nonthaburi Province. The overall level  ( = 3.94, SD = .64), considering that each side, found that buying behaviour of tourists was at the high level of  marketing at a high level ( = 4.01, SD = .63), followed by the product at a high level ( = 4.00, SD = .69) for distribution in the study ( = 3.95, SD = .66) and less are pricing in a high level ( = 3.80, SD = .70), respectively.

  3. The basis of Thai tourists buying behaviour travelling to Koh Kred, Nonthaburi province. A total of 400 respondents were classified by gender, most are female, 248 people, interested in the products by focusing on unique  product  ( = 4.23, SD = .90) ,  by age segment most rank at 20 -29 years, 172 people,  interested  in the products and focused on unique product ( = 4.07, SD = .73) , by income per month,  found that the , 124 people, 5,000 – 10,000 THB monthly income, interested in the pricing  by most focused on the issue of affordable products ( = 3.94, SD = .76)

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How to Cite
Supaporn Wichaidit ส. ว. (2018). BUYING PRODUCT BEHAVIOUR TOWARD THAI TOURIST KOHKRED, NONTHABURI PROVINCE. Dusit Thani College Journal, 10(1), 166–179. Retrieved from
Research Article


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