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นิตินัย รุ่งจินดารัตน์ Nitinai Rungjindarat
นลินี พานสายตา Nalinee Phansaita


 The aim of this research was to forecast the number of tourist arrivals from Russia to Thailand at Suvarnabhumi Airport. The data used for building a forecasting model were monthly tourist arrivals data from January 2010 to June 2015 (66 months) collected by the Department of Tourism. These data were used to estimate the trend and seasonality of tourist arrivals from Russia to Thailand at Suvarnabhumi Airport by using non-parametric statistics and Box-Jenkins method was used to build the equations by Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Models (SARIMA). The results showed that the Russian tourist arrivals to Thailand at Suvarnabhumi Airport were influenced by both trends and seasonality at the significance level of 0.05. The best forecasting model was SARIMA (0,1,0)(0,1,1)12 model which can be expressed as follow :    Y ̂_t=Y_(t-1)+Y_(t-12)-Y_(t-13)-0.4995e_(t-12)                    

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Nitinai Rungjindarat น. ร., & Nalinee Phansaita น. . พ. (2018). FORECASTING RUSSIAN TOURIST ARRIVALS TO THAILAND USING SARIMA MODEL. Dusit Thani College Journal, 10(1), 180–191. retrieved from
Research Article


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