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พรมิตร กุลกาลยืนยง Pornmit Kulkalyuenyong


The term employee engagement has gained considerable popularity in recent years. Nowadays, the hospitality industry is growing very rapidly and generates employment for local people on a large scale. This paper explores the need for organizations in the hospitality industry. Their managers should have both technical and people management competencies in order to obtain their employee engagement. An engaged employee is aware of business context, contributes significantly to the performance of the organization and becomes an asset for the organization. The author attempts to review the various available literature and research work on employee engagement and describes to the readers how it is important to hospitality organizations. This paper also focuses on the challenges and opportunities for the hospitality businesses, the consequences of employee engagement and the strategies of how to gain employees engagement in an organization.


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How to Cite
Pornmit Kulkalyuenyong พ. ก. (2018). THE IMPORTANCE OF EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT IN THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY. Dusit Thani College Journal, 10(1), 269–282. retrieved from
Academic Article


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