Characteristics, Quality and Roles of Research on Development of Hotel Business in Thailand

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Siripong Rugmai


This research aims 1) to study the characteristics and synthesis of research related to hotel business in Thailand and 2) to analyze and synthesize the role of research on hotel business development in Thailand. A total of 160 research full reports was devoted to hotel business during 2006 - 2016, based on the analysis and synthesis of the meta-analysis method and content analysis. The research data were collected from the research characteristics form, research quality evaluation form and research observation form. The quality of the research instruments was verified by means of content validity (IOC = 1.0) and reliability (α = 0.905). Data were analyzed and synthesized by descriptive statistics; frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Including chi-square test, t-test and ANOVA.

The results show that higher education institutions play an important role in the production of research on the hotel business. While the field of hospitality and tourism also plays a lesser role in the production of research than in other disciplines, especially in the field of Business Administration or Management, Marketing and Architecture. Most of the research were in the form of dissertations researched on organizational or management issues. Management or personnel development, and marketing or consumer behavior.

The study results of the role of research in the value of research found that most researches focused on academic values and were for educational purposes rather than research for development of hotel business. The results of the evaluation of research quality as a whole. Most research had high quality. There were some major shortcomings which were caused by the lack of knowledge and research skills of the researcher, namely determining research problem without being linked to literature review. And the design of the research is not appropriate to the research topic and research objectives.

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How to Cite
Rugmai, S. . . (2020). Characteristics, Quality and Roles of Research on Development of Hotel Business in Thailand. Dusit Thani College Journal, 12(3), 18–34. retrieved from
Research Article


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