Community Tourism: A New Alternative to Sustainability

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Parichat Sriharun
Pronpimon Kampetch


Tourism is an important service industry that has a great impact on the economy. Can make money for the country. Nowadays there are many variations to meet the needs of consumers. To create a new alternative to tourism that is linked to sustainable communities. It is community tourism, so this research aims to study the success factors of community tourism. By the reviewing of literature and analyzing relevant documents from relevant documents locally and internationally. The analyze success factors of community-based tourism. Including various barriers from the indicated of study the key to successful community-based tourism is community engagement, conservation and management that emphasizes the interactions between local people communities and nature. The nature of the interaction between conservation of resources for tourism and the development of local communities is strengthened. To make the community tour successful. By engaging people in the community to collaborate on community resource conservation through good management. To enable the community to bring the potential of both resources. People of natural resources, culture, traditional to use more effectively.

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How to Cite
Sriharun, P. . ., & Kampetch , P. . . (2020). Community Tourism: A New Alternative to Sustainability. Dusit Thani College Journal, 12(3), 118–132. retrieved from
Research Article


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