Define the Menu of Healthy Foods for the Elderly in Care Homes, Lopburi

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Apissara Jantarachit
Rachanon Taweephol


This research aimed to study the consideration about healthy foods and drinks for elders and restrictions that obstructed to healthy foods and drinks for elders. In Lopburi, the old age home district was a qualitative research by case study approach, collected information by in-depth interviews. There were 3 nutritionist people that give the main information (Nutritional Food) in elderly homes, Lopburi. From the research result found that the elder living the old age home, Lopburi had 102 people aged over 60 to 93 years old, and there were 3 places to have a meal were Alzheimer patient dorm, general patient dorm and healthy patient dorm. For Alzheimer patient dorm and general patient dorm had caretakers during every meals that were breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack. The snack would be held every 15 days that had a nurse who managed it properly for the elders, and chose ingredients in their food. For cooking shouldn’t have strong flavor. Each meal was held in fried food and boil food. Every cooking list must not use monosodium glutamate. For elders who wasn’t healthy and Alzheimer must have caretaker took care closely. Moreover, the elders had problem about deteriorate organs such as bone, teeth, joint and digestive system, that made they had Anorexia because there were deteriorate tooth bone, and chew difficultly.


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How to Cite
Jantarachit , A. . . ., & Taweephol , R. . . (2020). Define the Menu of Healthy Foods for the Elderly in Care Homes, Lopburi. Dusit Thani College Journal, 12(3), 247–258. retrieved from
Research Article


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