The Development of A Model and Strategies for Creating Civic Engagement between Higher Education Institutions and Community

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Arunee Hongsiriwat


This research has 4 objectives; 1) to investigate the current state of creating civic engagement between higher education institutions and community; 2) to analyze multi-level factors relating to creating civic engagement between higher education institutions and community; 3) to develop a model for creating civic engagement between higher education institutions and community and; 4) to develop strategies for creating civic engagement between higher education institutions and community. The research instruments were
1) document analysis form; 2) interview; 3) administrator, faculty member and undergraduate student questionnairs. Data Analysis are composed of content analysis, mean, Hierarchical Linear Models (HLM). The findings were as follows:

  1. A current situation for creating civic engagement between higher education institutions and community. Educational administrators, faculty members, and undergraduate students who responded to the questionnaires could be described as follows: the highest aspect levels was roles of educational administrators in promoting students to have civic engagement with higher education institutions, which demonstrates that educational administrators taught students to have service mind through outreach activities, the mean was 4.26; the fewest aspect levels was political context which demonstrates that higher education institutions provided teaching and learning management and conducted research in line with the government policies in order to move forward to the same direction, the mean was 3.74

  2. An analysis of Multi-Level Factors Related to Creating Civic Engagement between Higher Education Institutions and Community were perception toward institution support of each institution was varied significantly at .05

  3. Development of a model for creating civic engagement between higher education institutions and community were composed of 1) Principles and Objectives of a Model to be a guideline for educational administrators, faculty and students in higher education institutions in creating civic engagement between higher education institutions and community;
    2) Elements of a Model and Activities were composed of (1) Communication that creates understanding within an organization to achieve unity in cooperation and action
    (2) Providingcounselling and fund for conscious persons who help communities (3) Developing good citizenship, become a good model for communities, devote themselves and encourage others to have knowledge and good citizenship awareness (4) Developing good citizenship, become a good model for communities, devote themselves and encourage others to have knowledge and good citizenship awareness.

4.       Strategies for creating civic engagement between higher education institutions and community consist of 7 strategies as follows; Strategy1 Public Service and Outreach, Strategy2 Engaged Research, Strategy3 Teaching and Learning, Strategy4 Social Advocacy, Strategy5 Social Enterprise, Strategy6 Interaction Learning and Strategy7 Empowerment Strategy

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How to Cite
Hongsiriwat, A. . . (2020). The Development of A Model and Strategies for Creating Civic Engagement between Higher Education Institutions and Community. Dusit Thani College Journal, 12(3), 274–296. retrieved from
Research Article


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