Research and Model Development of a Healthy Balance to Reduce Risk Factors in Ergonomic for the Employees in the Kabinburi Industrial Zone

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Nithikorn Satakorn
Narin Sungrugsa


The purpose of the research 1) to study the basic opinion information and needs for health’s balance to reduce the risk factors of ergonomics of the employees in Kabinburi Industrial zone  2) to study a model development and the health’s balance manual to reduce the risk factors of ergonomics of the employees in Kabinburi Industrial zone  3) to propose a pilot approach to make the health’s balance model to the reduce the risk factors of ergonomics. 4) To assess a satisfaction and improve the health’s balance model to the reduce the risk factors of ergonomics. The research had conducted in 4 steps by using the mixed method. The qualitative method use synthesis of in-depth interview. The quantitative method was a tool for confirmation and test. The  result of  research at 1st step from sample group of respondents 392 persons found that they had their opinions  in a moderate  level  for the risk factors of ergonomic. They need to make the healthy balance in high level.  This result comply with 8 experts. They gave an instruction to develop  knowledge of human resource and standard of the ergonomics  knowledge.  Then  2nd  step was  the  synthesis in the basic information of an academic paper, a research and in-depth interview .They can be 6  model/ configurations. It was called “KABINS Model” is the development of knowledge, risk assessment activity, behavior changing, Conditional adjustment, norm of natural balance creation and self - care holistic. The experts have agreed this with high level to confirm the configuration. 3rd step was the experimental prototypes .They were tested in the experiment study area with 60 samples. The results of the pre-tests by a questionnaire were low level. After the sample group joined the training the scores of post-tests were at a high level. 4th step was the evaluation of satisfaction. Overview was high level. The result from the focus group that will be a topic to improve and development. From the trainees and the experts they suggested that the creation of healthy balance for holistic health will reduce the risk factors of ergonomics and it can promote development into the human resource for health.

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How to Cite
Satakorn, N. . ., & Sungrugsa, N. . (2020). Research and Model Development of a Healthy Balance to Reduce Risk Factors in Ergonomic for the Employees in the Kabinburi Industrial Zone. Dusit Thani College Journal, 12(3), 445–462. retrieved from
Research Article


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