Green Concept as The Marketing Strategies: The Case of Royal Princess Larn Luang Hotel Bangkok

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เอกฤทัย ลา Akruthai La
ภัทรนิษฐ์ วีระชลีย์ภัทร Patranit Weerachaleepat
รัตนาวดี พัชรภูวดล Rattanawadee Patcharapuwadol


The objective of this research was to study the benefits of using green concept as the major competitive advantages for hotel (case of Royal Princess Larn Luang) in city center. The  applied research methodology used was a conducting  in-depth interview individually with the experts in both hotel business and tourism organization, as well The Green Leaf foundation in Thailand, the result concluded that by being the Green hotel, there were many advantages such as creating good image, having positive reputation environmentally rich and saving hotel’s operation cost which were considered as the good marketing strategies and have the effects toward the customer’s perspective and experience of their stays.

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Akruthai La เ. . ล., Patranit Weerachaleepat ภ. . ว., & Rattanawadee Patcharapuwadol ร. . พ. (2018). Green Concept as The Marketing Strategies: The Case of Royal Princess Larn Luang Hotel Bangkok. Dusit Thani College Journal, 11(special), 186–197. retrieved from
Research Article


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