The Model of Decentralization and Local Government in the Future

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มัลลิกา มงคลวิริยะนุกูล


The local government is the foundation of democracy to ease the burden of government. The government empowers and decentralizes in local to encourage people know self-government by giving citizens
the opportunity to participate in politics, awareness, barriers and local awareness. Leaders of local government organizations were elected by people. Now the local administration of Thailand is divided 5 types: Provincial Administration Organization, Municipal Administrative Organization, Muang Pattaya and Bangkok. The local government organization is a juristic person. The result of the law is separate from the central government or national government, have the power to set policies, regulate, and comply with those policies and the power to collect taxed to the local to thrive.

       Decentralization and local government in the future must be add the small local governments as large organizations. Appointment is a municipality and decentralizes the local government to develop industry to cooperative network.

            Recommendations for the local government when the area is consolidated ; the local administrative must be of appropriate size to the population, social characteristics, economic and geographic. The management structure does not overlap. Determine responsibilities of personnel, set up a committee to oversee, monitor and evaluate the performance of the project.

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