Factors Related to the Purchase of food on the Website and the Reasons for Using Food Ordering Technology on the Websites of Undergraduate Students in Chatuchak Bangkok

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พรภวิษย์ อารักษ์รัตนกุล
สุภาพร ตันติสันติสม


The objectives of this research were (1) to study food buying through the website and the reasons for using food ordering technology through the website of the undergraduate students in chatuchak Bangkok. (2) to study correlation between personal factors and food buying through the website of undergraduate students in chatuchak Bangkok. and (3) to study correlation between personal factors and the use of food ordering technology through the website  of undergraduate students in chatuchak Bangkok.

       This research was a quantitative research by using survey approach. The sample group was the undergraduate students in chatuchak Bangkok of total 400 students. The research instrument was a questionnaire with the reliability of 0.896 Statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and chi-square test.

       The research result found that (1) Undergraduate students buy food on the website mean = 1.59 Show that there is the less level of  website Purchase While the cause of the technology used to ordering technology through the website mean = 3.64 was at the much level  (2) The personal factors in monthly average income and monthly average expense had related with food buying through the website at statistically significant level .05 .  (3) Personal factors in gender, age, major of studying, monthly average income, and monthly expense had related with the use of food ordering technology through the website at statistically significant level 0.05.

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