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พระมหาไพสิฐ อภิชาโน (จะโต)


The aims of this research are (1) studying for the citizens participation for administration of the local government of the Muang-Pan district, Lamphang province, (2) comparing the citizens participation for administration of the local government of the Muang-Pan district, Lamphang province by personal factors and (3) studying the problems, the weakness threats and the development for the citizens participation for administration of the local government of the Muang-Pan district, Lamphang province.

       Sampling is the citizens who was 20 years old and older including they are live in Muang-Pan district, Lamphang province for 394 people by the quantitative research. The research tool is the questionnaires and using the descriptive statistics program for data analysis. Using the frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation to explain the general of sample and descriptive statistics of the citizens participation for administration of the local government of the Muang-Pan district, Lamphang province. Comparing the citizens participation for administration of the local government of the Muang-Pan district, Lamphang province by personal factors using the inferential statistics; T-test and F-test. In-depth interview with key informants Executive members of the Local Government Council And community leaders. Analyzing the In-depth interview and open-ended questionnaires by the content analysis techniques.

       The result found (1) the citizens participation for administration of the local government at the high level and the average is (gif.latex?\bar{x} =3.55). When considering each side, it was found that the citizens participation at the high level, except the participation for public utility and economic affairs at the medium level; The average is ( gif.latex?\bar{x}=3.72)for the promotion of educational and traditional, ( gif.latex?\bar{x}=3.64) for the political affairs and the public health, (gif.latex?\bar{x} =3.61) for the natural resource, (gif.latex?\bar{x} =3.55) for the social, (gif.latex?\bar{x} =3.33) for the economic affairs and the public utility. (2) The result of comparing the citizens participation for administration of the local government of the Muang-Pan district, Lamphang province by personal factors; gender, age, educational level, occupation, income; it was found the result at the 0.05 level of significance.(3) The recommendation for development the citizens participation is the local government should be survey the people requirements in the responsibility areas because they realize the truth requirements and solving the problems that correspond in each areas. Including the public relations making by the local government affect to the people can understanding and realize the mission of the local government.

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