The Use of Housing Loan Service of Government Housing Bank Customer

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จักรพงศ์ แย้มวิมล
ภัทราวุธ รุธิรวัฒน์


Study Research to Use Customer service for Housing to Government Housing Bank.Purpose of this research to 1) Study on Housing Loan Service of Bank. 2) Study housingfeatures to housing loan service of
the Government Housing Bank. And 3) Study to Needs ofCustomers using Housing Loan Service. But research sample was customer with a Mortgageaccount for Bank 395 samples by Research tool questionnaire.But statistics with Descriptiveanalysis It consists of percentages, frequency distributions, mean, standard deviation. AndInference data consisted of T-test, F-test and LSD.
     Conclusion : Customers of the Government Housing Bank to Focus on welfareAgreed with most organizations.and when to study of the housing of the customer found that the housing is different. Focus housing loan service to Government Housing Banksignificant difference channel and property. but Approved credit difference is important.Interest rate and the fees do not differ. Credit repayment schedule approved Focus on interest. And fees different

       Suggestions Government Housing Bank it should be educated about the customer satisfaction on the service to improve the study. And develop to be effective and modern topresent circumstances. In order meet demand to customer, then should be distributedoutside the area to compete in the credit market in the future.

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