The Cultural Landscape of Orchardists In Nonthabur

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แววรวี ลาภเกิน
รุ่งทิพย์ พุ่มดนตรี


This article is about the cultural landscape of orchardists in Nonthaburi.  This article presents the cultural landscape and the cultural geography in terms of meaning, origin and significance, culture in the form of dynamics to drive and maintain a way of life.  Compositions of cultural heritage were classified into two categories; that is, tangible heritage and intangible heritage describing the relationship between human-related cultures, treaties, definitions proposed by UNESCO and agencies involved in the management of cultural landscape clearly. Categories of cultural landscapes represents the criteria defined in various forms and categories, classification of the cultural landscape of the historic designed landscape, the historic vernacular landscape, the cultural landscape of the historic sites, and the cultural landscape of the ethnographic landscape.  The enormous and famous fruit and durian growing area in Thailand in the past and the way to manage the cultural landscape of orchardists in Nonthaburi were presented through the form of wisdom.  A way to follow the lifestyle of orchardists who study how to manage and adjust themselves to change of geographic environment, soil, water and air, the construction of suitable housing for floodplain areas, running an orchard of farmers in Nonthaburi province are ways and concepts behind the interdependence between people and nature, and the interdependence between nature and nature based on the principles and concepts of cultural ecology to apply them concretely among the change of cultural landscape, the community and the city sustainably.


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