The Effects of Problem Solving Learning Activities in the Topic of Linear Equations with One Variable on Mathematics Learning Achievement and Mathematics Connection Ability of Mathayom Suksa I Students at Ban Lat Wittaya School in Phetchaburi Province

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ธัญญรัฐ พูลพิพัฒน์
กัญจนา ลินทรัตนศิริกุล
ปราโมทย์ บุญญสิริ


The purposes of this research were (1) to compare mathematics learning achievements in the topic of Linear Equations with One Variable of Mathayom Suksa I students learning with the use of problem solving activities with that of students learning under conventional teaching; and (2) to compare mathematics connection ability of Mathayom Suksa I students learning with the use of problem solving activities with that of students learning under conventional teaching. The research sample consisted of 30 Mathayom Suksa I students in two intact classrooms obtained by cluster random sampling from Mathayom Suksa I students studying in the first semester of the 2015 academic year at Ban Lat Wittaya School in Phetchaburi Province. The employed research instruments consisted of (1)  mathematics learning management plans on the topic of Linear Equations with One Variable with the use of problem solving activities; ( 2) mathematics learning management plans on the topic of Linear Equations with One Variable under conventional teaching; (3) an achievement test on the topic of Linear Equations with One variable; and (4) a mathematics connection ability test.  Statistics employed for data analysis was the t-test.

       Research finding revealed that (1) mathematics learning achievement of students learning with the use of problem solving activities was significantly higher than that of the students learning under conventional teaching at the .05 level of statistical significance; and (2) mathematics connection ability of students learning with the use of problem solving activities was significantly higher than that of the students learning under conventional teaching at the .05 level of statistical significance.

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