Volunteer Mind of Undergraduate Students of Rajabhat Universities in Bangkok Metropolitan Area

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ณัฏฐ์ชุดา สุภาพจน์


The purposes of this research were to study the volunteer mind of students related to the understanding of volunteering, volunteer activities and outcomes of the volunteering, 6 undergraduate students who were studying in Rajabhat Universities located in the Bangkok metropolitan area were randomly by snowball technique. Instrument used the form of Interview. Data analysis by finding similarities of information. Identify and classify data groups that are related to data patterns and summarize them.

       The research findings were as follows : (1) The definition volunteering was given by the samples who did something by helping other people or society with willingly and without being forced or pay. (2) The two factors were found to relate to the volunteer mind of students ; the internal factors were self-efficacy, volunteer motivation and self-esteem and; the external factors were social support, volunteer modeling and feedback receiving. (3) There were 2 different types of volunteer activities. Firstly, volunteer activities were for helping disadvantaged others and society and (4) Two outcomes of volunteer activities of the students were presented. Individual outcomes were happiness, self-respect, making use of own time took benefit and gaining new knowledge. Effect of volunteer activities on others consisted of proud of ourselves and happiness to get rescued.

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