Quality of Service in Regional Special Education Center, Phetchaburi Province

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ราตรี ตราชูวณิช



       This research aimed to study 1) quality level of service in Regional Special Education Center, Phetchaburi Province. 2) factors of service in Regional Special Education Center, Phetchaburi Province 3) the causal relationships between factors of service and quality of service in Regional Special Education Center, Phetchaburi Province. The samples size of the subjects was 130 person from 8 districts in Phetchaburi Province. The data were then analyzed by means of Descriptive Statistics, e.g. percentage, mean, S.D. and Inferential Statistics, e.g. chi-square test and multiple regression analysis.

       The results of the research could be conclude that;

       1) Most of therespondents were female with the age of 31-40 who achieved bachelor’s degree. The career of the respondents were best on trading/own business with Monthly income of 15001 - 20000 baht. 2) there was at medium level on quality of service of Regional Special Education Center, Phetchaburi Province. The rage over quality of service were recognition and empathy, reliability, assurance, responsiveness and tangibility respectively. 3) factors of service have the affect of quality of service at medium level. The rage over factors of service were expectations, service model, service process and service type respectively and Service factors were in causal relationships with service level in Regional Special Education Center, Phetchaburi Province at 0.001 level of significant.These service factors could be service process, service model, service type and expectstions 4) Personal factors were related to service quality in Regional Special Education Center, Phetchaburi Province at 0.01 level of significant.

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