An Evaluation of Bachelor of Nursing Curriculum (revised edition 2012) Boromarajonani College of Nursing ,Chainat, in 2015

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นิจวรรณ วีรวัฒโนดม
จารุณี จาดพุ่ม
นฤมล จันทร์สุข
เพ็ญศรี รอดพรหม


       This study was a descriptive research to evaluate the context, input, process and  output of the Bachelor of Nursing Curriculum (revised edition 2012) Boromarajonani College of  Nursing ,Chainat, in 2015 based on  CIPP Model. The sample is the total population (736 samples) include of 413 nursing students (the first year – the fourth year students), 37 instructors at Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Chainat in 2015, 143 graduated students in the academic year 2015 and 143 employers. The research instruments were  questionnaires which contain questions to  the  evaluation of Bachelor of Nursing Curriculum (revised edition 2012) and quality assessment of nursing students / nursing graduate.  The result of content validity was calculated by 3 experts, equal  to 1.00, the reliability of questionnaire using cronbach’s alpha coefficient were equal to 0.83 and 0.81 respectively.The questionnaires were returned 623 items or 84.65 percent collected in January-November 2016. The data were analyzed by using mean and standard deviation.

       It was found that the curriculum evaluation were at high level. From the results of the study, it could be a benefit to develop the further curriculum and the educational management for efficient nurse students.

Consistent with the needs of employers.

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