Quality of Work Life of Professional Nurses in Hua Hin Hospital Hua Hin District, Prachup Khiri Khan Province

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วิชยา เบญจานุกร


       This research was aimed to study (1) The quality of working life of professional nurses in Hua Hin Hospital. (2) The factors affecting quality of work life of professional nurses in Hua Hin Hospital. (3) The factors affecting quality of work life was related to the quality of work life of professional nurses in Hua Hin Hospital. The sample consisted of 130 professional nurses from Hua Hin Hospital, Hua Hin District, Prachuapkhirikhan Province. The samples were sampled using Probability Sampling. The samples were random sampling. The instruments were questionnaire. Four questionnaires were used for the questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was 0.919. The data were analyzed by means of descriptive statistics: percentage, mean, standard deviation. And inferential statistics using Chi-square statistics and Multiple regression analysis.

       The research findings were (1) quality of working life of professional nurses, Hua Hin Hospital The overall quality of life in the workplace is moderate. The quality of life in the workplace is moderate. Sort by: Development of work capacity. Security and progress in the job. Safe working conditions Participation and recognition in society. Life balance Orderliness Rules and fairness The compensation is fair. (2) Factors affecting the quality of working life of professional nurses in Hua Hin Hospital showed that the overall quality of work life was moderate. The quality of life in the workplace is moderate. Sort by: Variety of jobs Challenge of the task Opportunity to interact with others. (3) Factors affecting quality of work life. There was a causal relationship with quality of working life of professional nurses in Hua Hin Hospital. It is considered that each side. Factors affecting quality of work life. Diversity of work the freedom to work. The challenge of the job and the opportunity to interact with others. There is a causal relationship with the quality of working life of professional nurses in Hua Hin Hospital, statistically significant at .01 level.

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