Exercise Management on Elderly Demand at the Elderly Clubs in Chatuchak Bangkok

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อัญชัญ พระนอน
ดิฏฐชัย จันทร์คุณา


       The purposes of this research were to (1) study the exercise demand of the  elders in the elderly clubs at Chatuchak district Bangkok and (2) compare the exercise management on elderly demand at the elderly clubs follows by personal information and types of diseases. This research employed quantitative approach. The population was 1,256 elders in the elderly club at Chatuchak district Bangkok. 303 samples was derived  from random sampling. Instrument was a questionnaire, conducted by researcher, which  validity and reliability at 0.86 and 0.92 respectively. Statistical used for data were percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-test, F-test  and One-way analysis of variance with least significant difference  (LSD) comparison method. Statistical significance level was set at the 0.05.

               The results of the study showed that (1) the demands for exercise of the elders were  the  highest  in  all  4 aspect was mostly high and arrange the mean in each aspects from high to low that personnel ( = 4.87), exercise activity managing process ( = 4.77), venue, equipment and facility (  = 4.69) and management (  = 4.54). (2) The comparison of the level of exercise management according to the demands of the elders in the elderly club indicated that those demands for the elders with different average monthly income were statistically difference at the 0.05 level. Those four aspects were management, personnel, venue, equipment and facility, and exercise activity managing process.  Moreover, for the elders with different genders, ages and types of disease, two aspects of the demand were significantly different. Those were management and venue, equipment and facility with statistical differences at the 0.05 level.

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