Analysis of crime risk areas with Geographic Information System

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Pattanan Rattananvorasawet


       The objectives of this research are (1) to identify the time of crimes involving persons and property,
(2) to analyze for high risk areas for high crime involving people and property in Soi Suea-Yai Uthit. This research is a survey research by collecting crime location data using the Global Positioning System (GPS) Tool in the field area. The information used to analyze were based on secondary data about crime statistics from Phahonyothin Police Station applying geographic information systems (GIS) on the basis of estimating kernel spatial density in the analysis of crime density points at time.

       The research found that the time of high crimes involving persons and property in Soi Suea-Yai Uthit was in the period between 00.01 am - 04.00 am, and then secondary is the period between 08.01 pm - 00.00 am. The time of the crime was high during the night, which is a leisure time for people in general. Most shops and commercial buildings are closed, and there are not much people roaming in such area. As a result, criminals have the opportunity to commit crimes easily. About the high-risk crime areas involving persons and property in Soi Suea-Yai Uthit, most of them are junction areas located in Soi Ratchada 36, which are mostly residential area in type of dormitory, condominium, and commercial buildings. Due to Soi Ratchada 36 or Soi Suea-Yai Uthit is a downtown area which located near the famous schools, many department stores, companies and shops. There are also people relocate to find jobs and careers causing many crimes in the area. About the ways of environment improvement to prevent crimes involving persons and property in Soi Suea-Yai Uthit.

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