The Roles of Local Executives as perceived by the people in the development of the local area in Pran Buri District, Prachuap khiri khan Province

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Natthakorn Chimpalee


       This research aimed to study (1) the roles of local administrators as perceived by people in the development of local areas in Pranburi district. (2) The factors affecting the role of local administrators as perceived by the people in the development of local area in Pranburi district. (3) Factors affecting the role of local administrators with causal relationships - effect on the role of local administrators as perceived by people in the development of local areas in Pranburi district Prachuap Khiri Khan Province The sample group used in the research were 396 of people with the right to vote at the age of 18 years old, with domicile in Pranburi district. Prachuap Khiri Khan Province. Descriptive Statistics were percentage, mean, S.D. Inferential Statistics was multiple regression analysis.

       The results of the research could be conclude that; (1) The role of local administrators as perceived by people in the development of local areas in Pranburi district Prachuap Khiri Khan Province In overall, the role of administrators in development is at a moderate level. When considering each aspect, it was found that in overall, the role of administrators in development is at a moderate level. Sorted in the following order: ecotourism and health tourism With the highest mean Infrastructure Health and environment in politics - administration in education, religion and culture and economic, social and community (2) Factors affecting the role of local administrators as perceived by people in the development of local area in Pranburi district Prachuap Khiri Khan Province found that the overall practice was at a moderate level. When considering each aspect, it was found that There is a moderate level of practice. Arranged in the following order: leadership, emotional intelligence Information Management creativity And communication. (3) Factors affecting the role of local administrators There is a causal relationship with the role of local administrators as perceived by people in the development of local areas in Pranburi district. Prachuap Khiri Khan Province When considering each aspect, it was found that Factors affecting the role of local administrators, leadership, communication, creativity Data management and emotional intelligence There is a causal relationship with the role of local administrators as perceived by people in the development of local areas in Pranburi district. Prachuap Khiri Khan Province With statistical significance at the level of 0.000.

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