Public Behavior in Social Media Network Recognition of Kanchanaburi Provincial Public Relations Office

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Kanlaya Kheawplueng


       This research aimed to study (1) level of public behavior in social media network recognition of Kanchanaburi Provincial Public Relations office (2) Factors of public behavior in social media network recognition of Kanchanaburi Provincial Public Relations office (3) Factors of public behavior in social media network recognition have a causal relationship with public behavior in social media network recognition of Kanchanaburi Provincial Public Relations office. The sample group used in the research were 400 of the people who living in Kanchanaburi province. Descriptive Statistics were percentage, mean, S.D. Inferential Statistics was multiple regression analysis.
       The results of the research could be conclude that; (1) public behavior in social media network recognition of Kanchanaburi Provincial Public Relations office in the overall picture, there is a high level of perception in all aspects. Sorted in the following order: news exposure internet communication and information seeking (2) factors of public behavior in social media network recognition of Kanchanaburi Provincial Public Relations office in the overall picture, there was a high level of awareness in all aspects. In order of social influence Self expression Recognition of enjoyment and usage (3) Factors of public behavior in social media network recognition have a causal relationship with public behavior in social media network recognition of Kanchanaburi Provincial Public Relations office in terms of usage The recognition of enjoyment Social influence and the expression of identity with statistical significance at the level of 0.001.

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