Management of Community Enterprise Development Guideline for Sustainable Success of Phetchaburi Province

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Pacharaporn wongwan


       This research aimed to study (1) the success factors in managing community enterprise development for sustainable success (2) the problems and obstacles in managing community enterprise development for sustainable success; and (3) the management guidelines for community enterprise development for sustainable of Phetchaburi province. The sample consisted of 24 members of community committee in Phetchaburi province and 24 members and 24 presidents or vice presidents. The instruments used in the research by in-depth interviews, and group discussion The statistics used in data analysis include content analysis.

               The research results were as follows : (1) Factors of success in the management of community enterprise development towards sustainable success of community enterprise groups In Phetchaburi province, it was found that the management factor was the most successful factor for the community enterprise group. Because good management will cover the management of the group in all aspects, from the second, production, marketing, financial, information And participation, respectively (2) problems and obstacles in the management of community enterprise development to sustainable success, found that production is not of the desired quality Including uninterrupted production due to lack of raw materials for production Product design There is a market competition. Management clearly defines the duties of members within the group. Have little knowledge in financial management Accounting Regarding participation in the group members, there was not all participation at all times and there was no participation in all steps in carrying out group activities and there was little communication between members within the group and external agencies. (3) Guidelines Management of community enterprise development for sustainable success of Phetchaburi province, found that the improvement of production methods to be quality There are many additional products being created. Interesting product packaging design Increase distribution channels for more variety Improve management to cover all aspects Preparation of income-expense accounting And can manage finances according to reality Create credibility for group members And knowledge in using communication technology for marketing Advertising and public relations Through online media.

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