Core Competencies Of Royal Court Security Police Of Security Protection Sub-Division Investigation Division Provincial Police Region 7
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This research aimed to study (1) level of core competencies of royal court security police of security protection sub-division investigation division provincial police region 7. (2) the core competencies of police officers of royal court security police of security protection sub-division investigation division provincial police region 7. (3) the causal relationships between core competencies and core competencies of royal court security police of security protection sub-division investigation division provincial police region 7. The samples size of the subjects was 146 person from police commissioner and commander of security protection sub-division investigation division provincial police region 7. The data were then analyzed by means of Descriptive Statistics, e.g. percentage, mean, S.D. and Inferential Statistics, e.g. chi-square test and multiple regression analysis.
The results of the research could be conclude that;
(1) Most of the respondents were male with the age of 18-30 who achieved bachelor’s degree. There are on commissioned officers. Over 6 years with monthly income of 10,000 - 20,000 baht. (2) there was at high level on core competencies of royal court security police of security protection sub-division investigation division provincial police region 7. The rage over core competencies were good service accuracy and ethics. professional or professional skills teamwork and the achievement. 3) there was at high level on core competencies of royal court security police of security protection sub-division investigation division provincial police region 7. The rage over core competencies were values, skills, individuality, personality and motivation and core competencies were in causal relationships with core competencies of royal court security police Of security protection sub-division investigation division provincial police region 7 at 0.001 level of significant.These core competencies could be knowledge, skills, values, individuality, personality and motivation. 4) Personal factors were not related to core competencies of royal court security police of security protection sub-division investigation division provincial police region 7 .On the other hand, it was found that age, rank and income per month were correlated with the main competencies of police officers, guardians, security guards. Division 7 Police Investigation Team Statistically significant at 0.01 level of significant.
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