Consumer Decision making on Purchasing Products at Villa Market

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Krittapob Kiewkong
In-orn Tanphan


This study aims to study products shelf placement that affects consumer decision to buy products at Villa Market, marketing mix factors that affect consumer decision to buy products at Villa Market, and the decision to buy products at Villa Market. Questionnaires were distribnted as a tool for collecting data. Resesirch data were amalyzed by means of percentage, mean, and hypothesis testing by t-test,one-way Anova, and regression correlation analysis.

            The results from the study revealed that most of respondents were female, aged between 30-39 years old, married status, averaged height between 171-180 centimeters, bachelor degree or higher holders, worked for private enterprises and government employees, and earned monthly income of 30,000-40,000 baht. The overall picture of opinions on marketing mix factors on consumer at Villa market JP were at a high level ( =3.56), products arrangement were at a high level ( =3.92), and overall picture of opinions on consumer purchasing decision at Villa market were at a high level ( =3.73). The different personal behavior patterns, such as gender and marital status influenced consumer decision on purchasing products at statistically significant .05 level.  The overall pictures of the opinions on marketing mix factors consisted of assorted products display, clearly products labels, services equipment, sales assistant, speedy check out products, and products packaging, interesting products display arrangement, physical appearance, and easy access to products which influenced consumer on purchasing products at Villa market. 

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