Strategies for Driving and Development of Analytical Thinking of Early Childhood in Phetchaburi Province Child Development Center

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Sumana Siriwanich
Kanchana Boonsong
Nipa Phetsom


       According to external quality assessment of The Office for National Education Standard and Quality Assessment (Public Organization) it was found that the problem is the lack of analytical thinking of early childhood. Therefore, the researcher is interested in carrying out this research topic for; (1) developing strategies for driving the development of analytical thinking of early childhood; (2) developing strategies for the development of analytical thinking of early childhood; and (3) studying the results of the development of analytical thinking of early childhood in Phetchaburi Province Child Development Center. The samples were 7 of the heads of Phetchaburi Province Child Development Center, 15 of teachers, 165 of 3 – 5 years old early childhoods. The tools applied in this research consisted of the development of analytical thinking of early childhood and the test for analytical thinking of early childhood. Statistic used is percentage, average and standard deviation.

       The findings were as follows: (1) There are four strategies on the driving of the development of analytical thinking of early childhood. These strategies include network strategy, teamwork strategy, participation strategy, and integration strategy. By doing so, handbook on strategies for driving of the analytical thinking of early childhood in Phetchaburi Province Child Development Center is used as framework for operation. (2) Strategy that the heads and teachers of Phetchaburi Province Child Development Center applied for the development of analytical thinking of early childhood is organizing science learning experiences for early childhood under the operation of handbook of the development of analytical thinking of early childhood in Phetchaburi Province Child Development Center. and (3) Progressive percentage of the result on the development of analytical thinking of early childhood in Phetchaburi Province Child Development Center increases by 52.60 %; showing that activities help improve the result on the development of analytical thinking of early childhood satisfactorily.

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