Marketing Geography and the Creative Economy Industry "Nonthaburi Durian"

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Sukanda Sarnnoi
Waeorawee Larpkern


       A study on marketing geography and the creative economy industry "Nonthaburi Durian" indicated that geographical factors affect the potential development of production of agricultural products and geographical indications in the development of agricultural production areas of Thai farmers in important economy and export of Thailand, including the delivery of domestic sales to consumers; durian, is a thorny fruit that has special characteristics which indicat of different species, both local and economic species and the texture of durians, and the unique odor of durians. Nonthaburi durian farmers create identity marketing from for the distribution of durians by using the story telling of the durian cultivation area that is considered to be a cultivated area of durian, with good taste and deliciousness that is domestically and internationally accepted and without selling the durian as export products to foreign countries.  Because the ecological characteristics are suitable for cultivation and the area of Nonthaburi Province has plenty of fertile land, it is a place that can create distinction and is ready to build social capital for farmers. The production of durian farmers does not focus on a large number of products per the planting season. The durian farmers take care of each durian from bearing fruit until harvesting with meticulousness. The Nonthaburi durian farmers believe and consider durians as their daughters that have to be well cared for and pay close attention to the product delivery to consumers.  If the durian cannot be consumed, it is willing to guarantee the replacement and return of durian for the buyers.  These are the special things between producers and consumers with process and are promoted in the form of the creative economy industry for Nonthaburi durians.

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