Teachers and Instructional technology in 21st century

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Thitiwas sukpom
Nattakorn Papan
Piyaporn Techaraungrong
Udom Tanong


       Thailand are developing to enter the 4.0 economy, also in the education sector (Education 4.0) is an era that requires innovation. According to the policy to move Thailand through technology, government are encouraging teachers and students as a thinker and innovator.

       Currently, data and media are distributed, searched and transmitted freely. As imply that "data" is likely the initial variable. "students" is comparable to the following variable. And "teachers" are control variable. To develop quality learners for their objectives in the 21st century, teachers and students must be able to change data available online communities or the internet into information, and finally knowledge. Teachers and students must have relationships based on each other role. The teacher must have the characteristics (1) "The teacher is the creator and the producer" must show the way to develop teacher skills. They must pass training skills and information technology learning processes. Also, they must be aware the role of teacher (Teacher model), practice and develop themselves by using the research process as the development. They could solve the problem of decrement and eliminate excess problem. They monitored, evaluated, and continuous promotion model, and (2) "The teacher is originality and creativity", they are having knowledge and ability to applied technology and teaching content to enhance teaching effectiveness. For example, information skills in teaching and learning management to supports innovation, class management, and transfer of knowledge to students in new directions in various skills needed including lifestyle and professional skills through technology.

       This 21st century teachers shared knowledge, enhance their experience, develop the potential of knowledge, skills, ability, create knowledge, create value for them self, forward to learners pass through a new teaching-learning model using technology. They promoted new skills for learners, information technology skills that are an essential skill for global change and society in the future. "Teacher" is a social leader by nature. In this 21st century, Thailand 4.0, teachers are considered important personnel of the country that can guide and provide knowledge. Therefore, teachers need to have comprehensive knowledge and skills in the area of information technology in all 4 dimensions, namely use, understanding, creation and access can be used to manage learning and teaching. In the most effective age that is mentioned "Globalization"

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