Factors Affecting The Resignation Decision of Employees of ABC Company Limited

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Patara Pithaksajavong
Natdanai Tangkisopon
Sarin Khuntiwattanakul


       The objective of this research is (1) to study the factors affecting the decision to leave jobs of employees in ABC Company Limited . (2) to compare factors affecting the decision to leave jobs of employees in ABC Company Limited. The sample group used in this study was Private company employees and the Taro Yamane's sample size calculation was employed, resulting to 219 people. The tools used in this study were online questionnaires with the reliability of .951. Data analysis consisted of descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean, standard deviation and the reference statistics were Independent Sample t-test and One-way ANOVA

       The result shows that most of the employees finished bachelor degree and are working at the operation level. They have overall opinion of the factors effecting the decision to resign at a moderate level (𝑥̅ = 3.48). When considering each of factors affecting the decision to resign, it is found that work performance, relationships factors with colleagues, and factors relating to supervisors are at the level of "very agreed". From these factors, the company should evaluate the performance of human resource management by analyzing the related environment and performance services to find the cause and facts in setting up a strategic plan to be able to create motivation, make the employees satisfied and have working behaviors that meet the goals of the organization's success. Moreover, that would be able to prevent the resignation of employees in the company.

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