Developing the Potentials of Community-based Researchers from Groups of Rajabhat Universities Located in the Central Region- Rattanakosin Group with the Process of Developing Research Problems and Integrated Project Proposals

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       This study had the following objectives: 1) to investigate the information and analyze the potentials of community-based researchers who were from groups of Rajabhat universities located in the central region-Rattanakosin Group; 2) to develop the  potentials of the researchers with the process of developing research problems to improve local communities; and 3) to develop research programs fulfilling strategic adjustment of each group of Rajabhat universities as well as government’s research policy. This qualitative research made use of people forum, in-depth interview, focus group interview, area-based learning platforms and workshops to scrutinize lessons learned in every step of the study. The area under investigation consisted of communities located on both sides of canals or rivers within the vicinity of universities under study. 

               The results revealed that there were a small number of researchers who had experiences in conducting community-based research. This was also true with research mentors. There was little integration among universities in order to develop research problems. Problems and common needs were skills in conducting a survey, an analysis of community’s problems, the development of community’s database system, principles in classifying types and qualifications of researchers and mentors, transmission and lesson learned. It was also found that community-based researchers from universities participating in the project had an opportunity to improve their potentials. Seventy-four researchers had considerable skills in developing research problems from community’s needs. Their mentors were developed through the consideration of project proposals. The researchers were able to write integrated project proposals to improve local communities with the number of three projects, twenty sub- projects and one single project. Research conducted had a system in collecting lesson learned and some had been supported in terms of budget in order to further their study

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