School Environment Management According to Opinion of Teachers under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2
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This research aimed to study and compare the opinions of teachers in schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2 toward school environmental management, when was divided by educational background, age, and working experience. Population was 7,713 teachers in 52 large-sized schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2. The samples were 365 teachers in schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2, by using the Cohen table (Cohen & others, 2011, p 147), and using sampling technique with stratified random sampling, and simple random sampling, respectively. The research instrument was a set of 5-rating-scale and 40-item questionnaires with IOC between 0.80–1.0 and reliability coefficients of 0.905 (α - Alpha Coefficient). The Statistics to analyze data were mean, standard deviation, t- test, and One – way Analysis of Variance.
The findings were as follows:1) the level of the environmental management according of teachers’ opinion was rated at the highest level in the whole and aspect. 2) the comparison of educational background, age and working experience of teachers with environmental management found significant different in the whole and each aspect. 1) in general and when considering each side, the level of teachers’ opinions toward the environmental management teachers’ was rated at the highest level. 2) in general and when considering each side, teachers with different educational background had different opinions. 3) in general and when considering each side, teachers with different age had different opinions. 4) in general and when considering each side, teachers with different working experience had different opinions.
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