The Way of Pickled Fish Product in Nonghan Tourism Village, Sakon Nakhon Province

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Winita Panich
Staporn Tawonatiwas
Pawapawan Lormahamongkol


       This research article the researcher used a qualitative research methodology in the study, have a purpose 1) To study the context of Pla-Ra products in the villages around Nong Han Sakon Nakhon Province 2) to find a way to add value to fermented fish products, villages around Nong Han Sakon Nakhon Province. Collected data from the target population of 20 people consisting of community enterprises 15 people and academic groups 5 people. Use studies, papers, interviews, observations, and group discussions as a tool and method for data collection. Analyze data through content analysis. Presenting information with analytical descriptions The study results showed that,

       The results of the research showed that the increasing product of Nong Han fish after the research was composed of dried fish sausage, fermented fish, fermented fish in fermented fish sauce, seasoned fermented fish in curry paste, seasoning for adding papaya salad. Therefore, bringing fermented fish to add value therefore, it is the processing of fermented fish from Nong Han community in order to add value and add flavor to fermented fermented fish in Nong Han formula, resulting in the promotion of lifestyle, eating culture in communities around Nong Han to have products that are their own products that can be used both in the household and sold as additional income for the people in the community around Nong Han, to create product value from Nong Han pickled fish which has the form of fermented fish production And get the recipe for pickled fish sauce. Therefore, communities have joined together to form a community enterprise group under the name of Phum Ban Pan Group. According to the research team developing the value of fermented fish products to be fermented water according to the specific formula of Nong Han community. In order to increase the market and create products generate income and raise the level of community tourism around Nong Han by using fermented fish which is the main ingredient of Isan people are another tool to drive products to have a wetland identity that connects the tourism of communities around Nong Han. Affecting the creation tourism route pattern by the community to develop to present the tourism through tourism program that can link tourism with tourist attractions along the route around Nong Han Sakon Nakhon with program details with service rates according to the programs and brochures that have been prepared together with communities and partners, the provincial community development network which can use tourism services.

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