The Role of Subdistrict Administration Organizations in Local Tourism Management: The Perspective on the New Public Governance

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Sasawat Pengpae


       Local government organization, especially the Subdistrict Administration Organization, has an important duty to promote development in a various local area including the role of local tourism promotion. It is one of the roles that the Subdistrict Administration Organization can promote and develop of local natural resources, art and culture, local traditions and wisdom. Which contributes to conservation and income for the local community.
       New Public Governance (NPG) is a public administration concept that was discussed in the beginning of the 21st century. There is a proposal to adopt the NPG concept in local management. Which has emphasizes the empowerment of various sectors that are people-centered to have more important role in carrying out public activities. Subdistrict Administration Organization considered as the lowest level local government organization that must be carried out in accordance with the powers and duties that have been transferred from various government agencies, including promoting the role of local tourism. With work principles that must be held that the provision of public services for the people must be better or not lower than the original quality standard management, transparent, more efficient and responsible to people. Complies with tourism promotion standards and indicators of the Department of Local Administration, Ministry of Interior in 3 aspects, which are (1) standards for tourism sources or activities (2) standards for tourism services and (3) standards for tourism marketing.
       The content of the article aims to studying the roles and practical limitations of the current subdistrict administration organization in which the administration and management of local resources in accordance with the intentions appearing in public policy, such as the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand Act B.E. 2560, Subdistrict Council and Subdistrict Administrative Organization 2537 B.E., Act to determine decentralization plans and procedures for local administrations, 2542 B.E., Tourism promotion standards as guidelines for tourism promotion operations of the Department of Local Administration , Ministry of Interior, respectively. In order to understand and make recommendations for both public policy and practice in applying to local tourism management of the Subdistrict Administration Organization.

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